Formation des personnes en situation de handicap

All our sites and training courses are accessible to people with disabilities. We have the equipment and organisation to welcome you in the best possible conditions.

All our sites and courses are accessible to people with disabilities. We have the equipment and organisation to welcome you in the best possible conditions.

Our aim is to develop the skills of current and future employees of companies by providing support for the development of everyone’s skills. Our aim is to promote the inclusion, success and integration of each of our trainees.

All our training courses and VAE support can be adapted to suit your needs.

Whatever the type of disability (motor, sensory, mental, cognitive or psychological), solutions can be proposed.

For example, it is possible to :

  • providing specific equipment or facilities (chairs adapted to your body shape, additional light source, room location and layout, etc.)
  • adapting the pace or duration of the course (and exam “third time”)
  • adapting teaching materials and approach

For all enquiries, please contact

Stéphane Dervaux
03 88 43 08 45

Some schemes may require preparation time. Contact us as soon as possible.

To consult our access maps, click here: access