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Public : Institutions or companies From "absolute beginner" (A0) to B2/C1 advanced level.
Type of course : Bespoke individual or group classes
Pre-requisites : none
Level : /
Find your French level
A0You have no notion of French and have never studied French
A1.1You can speak and understand the language to a very limited extent on topics familiar in your immediate environment
A1You can understand French in everyday situations if the person you are speaking with speaks softly and clearly
A2You can communicate and make yourself understood through simple messages on familiar matters related to your immediate environment
B1You can understand the main points of clear standard discussion on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc., and can deal independently with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling
B2 DescriptionYou can understand the essential content of concrete or abstract subjects in a complex (text, including a technical discussion in your specialisation. Communicate with spontaneity and ease with a native speaker
C1/C2You are able to express yourself spontaneously and fluently without much searching for words on complex subjects in a clear and well-structured way
Number of students : /
Duration of a course : Subject to demand
Timetables : /
Teaching period : /
Prices :
Contact : Fatine ASRI
Objectives & program
Objectives: To develop the linguistic skills of the various CEFRL levels To be able to interact in written and oral form in your day-to-day and professional lives
Bespoke program established according to the proficiency of students and needs of the customer
Assessment and validation
- Course certificates indicating the CEFR level attained are issued (on demand)
- Option of taking an official French test
- Link to test and examination files